L'enduit décoratif à la
chaux a cet avantage majeur d'être un très bon isolant phonique. Ce qui, dans les
constructions modernes (agglo et placo) compense l'effet de résonance. Il est également
un bon isolant thermique. |
DECO-COATING AND STUCCO The decorative coating made of lime has the major advantage to be an excellent soundproofing. Which in the moderns constructions, equilibrate the resonant effects. It is also a performant coldproofing. The Lime coating allows a touch half way between the rustical and the modern, but it gives a supplementary material feeling, and more color shades. Stucco is a very thin coating made of natural pure pigment and real marble powder. The pigment density in the dought allows stronger colors, and the fineness of the soils used for it are giving a bright coat, with glittering effects which are recalling the marble shinning. |
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E.mail: aceline_lefebvre@yahoo.fr |